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USD 508 Baxter Springs
Parents As Teachers Program

An early learning program for parents of young children prenatal to three.

Staff: LuAnne Herbert, Parent Educator

Parents As Teachers is a free, voluntary, research-based program designed to provide practical timely information to all families including single parents, first-time parents and expectant parents.

Being a parent is a lot more fun and much less stressful if:

You know how your child grows and develops.
You know how to encourage your child so he/she will get a great start in life.
You share experiences and receive support from other families who have a child the same age as yours.

Vision -- "All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential"

Parents As Teachers Provides:

Personal Visits
Personal visits every 6 to 8 weeks by a certified Parent Educator with developmentally appropriate education materials and activities at each personal visit.

Group Meetings
Group meetings where parents have the opportunity to discuss general issues of child development and parenting. Favorite meetings have included: Homemade Toys, Summer Fun, Nursery Rhymes, and Make a Book.

Annual vision, hearing, language and overall developmental screenings are included during home visits.

Resource Network
Parents As teachers helps link parents with other resources within the same community that provide services beyond the scope of Parents As Teachers.

All parents receive a monthly newsletter and a subscription to "Parent and Child" magazine.

Family Resources
All families have access to local Parents As Teachers resources including toys, videos, parent materials and other early childhood education materials.

give parents and children the opportunity to join with other parents and children for a playtime that provides a variety of activities that enhance all areas of development.

For further information, please call 1-800-554-3412 or you can go to the following website:  Click here if you would like to enroll via Internet.

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